
Transferring files is much more tedious than it should be. Payload solves a part of this problem: transferring files between desktop devices over local networks. In the future, we want to expand to online transfers, and mobile devices as well.

How does it work?

When Payload is first launched, it generates a public keypair (Ed25519) and stores it on the local file system, which acts as a stable device identity. Devices announce their presence on the local network and connect automatically to each other (using TLS over either TCP or Quic). Incoming connections from public IPs are dropped. Local file paths never leave the device and all incoming transfers must be accepted by the user.

Your Privacy

Payload does not have DRM, show ads or sell your information. Today, it only uses the internet to check for updates. If this changes in the future, it will be clearly communicated and optional. For example, we may add anonymized metrics or features that rely on the internet.

A Note on Open Source

Open source software is essential today, and perhaps particularly for networked applications. The plan is to open source parts of Payload when the time is right. For now, please reach out if you want to build something that integrates with Payload.

The Developer

Payload is independently designed and developed by Didrik Nordström. You can find Didrik on Github, Twitter and LinkedIn.


Found a bug? Missing a feature? File an issue on Github or send an email to directly to feedback@payload.app.